HAMSA Peace Programme
The purpose of HAMSA Peace Education Programme is to instill ethics and values from an early age in order to sow the seeds of global peace. Workshops delivered by our team are available for public and private schools worldwide.
Through delivering a culture that promotes peace in thought, speech and action, we shall achieve peaceful individuals, societies and nations. Children think, speak and act imitating their immediate caretakers. Then, they copy their peers and other influences surrounding them either in their immediate environment or in the media. They do so because of their natural instinct for learning. But, how about if they are set on the right track from the very beginning, to avoid imitating all that does not serve them or the global community in their future. History will keep repeating itself if we do not learn from it. This is based on the fact that if you keep doing the same thing, you are most likely to get the same result.
In schools, we note that the sole focus is on acquiring information. Nurturing the human creative and intuitive element in individuals is too often overlooked. This is why the sense of creativity and the importance of the concept of humanity have lost touch in all global issues. The place of important values such as positivity, non-violent communication, compassion, understanding and wisdom has slowly been diminishing when it comes to decision making.
Young learners from the age of 6 to 18 comprise 40 % of the population in most countries of the world. Sowing the seeds of peace is most successfully achieved through instilling experiential values before children become conditioned by their surrounding environment where contrary examples observed seem to take a front seat.
HAMSA Peace Education Programme is now being adopted by 40 countries worldwide with the collaboration of Ms. Noemi Paymal – renowned Peace Educator (Pedagooogia 3000).
Our Peace Culture Programme starts, and ends, with the concept of HUMANITY, highlighting the connection of all beings and how everything and everyone impacts all events in life on the level of an individual, family, society, nation, and the world. Please visit : peaceforyounglearners.tumblr.com
VIDEO-1 LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZxdpvo4b6o
VIDEO-2 LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLbl2GiVcbw&t
Rays of Joy
An extension of the Peace Culture Programme offered for young people.